Welcome To The

Uluru Mediumship Symposium!

Experience the magic from your own home.

If you are looking to develop your psychic and mediumship skills

This is for you! 

The best mediums from around the world...

Gathered together in this sacred space!

We recorded their lessons for you to enjoy.


Connect to Self, Connect to Nature, Connect to Spirit

Uluru is a place of great spiritual significance, with sacred sites, Dreaming trails and healing energy. Visitors call it many things: “A cathedral in the desert”, their “spirit home”, “the heart of Australia” and “the spiritual centre of the planet”.

Now it’s your turn.

Get to share in this once-in-a-lifetime spiritual event – the Uluru Mediumship Symposium 2017.

Work on line via this training package, exploring your psychic and mediumship abilities, while enjoying workshops, lectures, demonstrations and special events from some of the best mediums in the world.

You will also get to share in the special events that were part of the Uluru Symposium: The Tutor's Mediumship Demonstration & the 'Priscilla Queen of the Desert' Gala Ball.

All this and 8 modules, 21 classes!

So are you ready to explore your own spiritual and psychic talents? Is experiencing the magic of Uluru something you’ve dreamed of? Would you like the opportunity to experience all this in the comfort of your own home?

Then this could be the training package you have been waiting for.

Here is a snapshot of the lessons you get to enjoy.

A sneak Peak at some of the amazing classes!

15 incredible lessons From world class tutors 

Plus the tutors Mediumship Demonstration

so you can see them in action with some special guests.

You get all this for just.

Uluru symposium



Intuitive Oracle Cards - valued at $297

Trance & Altered States - valued at $297

Meeting Your Inspirers - valued at $297

The Psychic & The Medium - valued at $297

The Demonstrating Medium - valued at $297

Forensic Mediumship - valued at $297

Into The Other World - valued at $297

Tutors Mediumship Demonstration

Valued at $2,079

If you are not 100% satisfied

let us know in the first 7 days and we will refund

If you find that you do not feel this is for you within the first 7 days let us know for a full refund, no questions asked.

https://ulurumediumship.com - All Rights Reserved

We acknowledge and respect the traditional owners of country

This event was held at the Yulara Resort, we were welcomed to country by the local elder and part proceeds were given to the local school in support.

Locals were invited and included as part of the event and many enjoyed a truly spiritual event.